- Mabrok, M. A. (2021). Controller synthesis for negative imaginary systems using nonlinear optimisation and H∞ performance measure. International Journal of Control, 94(3), 579–587.
- Mabrok, M. A., Alyami, M. A., & Mahmoud, E. E. (2021). On the dissipativity property of negative imaginary systems. Alexandria Engineering Journal, 60(1), 1403–1410.
- Saad, A. S., & Mabrok, M. A. (2021). Retrofitting of bridge superstructures using negative imaginary control theory. International Journal of Control, 1–16.
- Tran, V. P., Mabrok, M. A., Anavatti, S. G., Garratt, M. A., & R.Petersen, I. (2021a). Hybrid negative imaginary-adaptive neural-fuzzy control with model identification for a quad-rotor. IFAC Journal of Systems and Control.
- M. A. Mabrok. ”Passivity Analysis of Replicator Dynamics and its Variations.” In press in IEEE Transactions of Automatic Control, (2020)
- M. A Mabrok, Vu Phi Tran, and Ian R. Petersen. ”Robust adaptive learning control for different classes of dissipative systems.” Submitted to Journal of Franklin Institute, (2020)
- Vu Phi Tran, M. A Mabrok, Sreenatha G. Anavatti, Matthew A. Garratt and Ian R. Petersen. ”Robust Hybrid Strictly Negative Imaginary-Adaptive Neural-Fuzzy Tracking Control System and Adaptive Hybrid Model Identification for a Quadrotor Drone.” Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, (2020)
- Ahmed S, Saad, M. A Mabrok. ” Retrofitting of Bridge Superstructures Using Robust
- Control.” Submitted to International Journal of Control, (2020)
- Vu Phi Tran, M. A Mabrok, Sreenatha G. Anavatti, Matthew A. Garratt and Ian R. Petersen. ” Robust and Adaptive Negative Imaginary-Fuzzy Controller for Non-Linear Systems.” Submitted to IEEE Transaction on Cybernetics, (2020)
- M. A. Mabrok, Abdel-Haleem Abdel-Aty and Jinde Cao. ”On the Dissipativity Property of Negative Imaginary Systems.” Submitted to Applied Mathematics and Computation, (2020)
- M. A. Mabrok, Hassan Mohamed, Abdel-Halem Abdel-Aty and Ahmed Alzahrani ”Control Systems Models for Human-in-the-Loop: A survey.” Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, vol. 38, no. 3, pp. 2611-2622. (2020)
- Samet Gler, Mohammed A. Algarni, Mohammad Z. Shaqura, Hassan Jaleel,M. A.Mabrok, iming Jiang, Yimeng Lu, and Jeff S. Shamma Perception, navigation, andmanipulation in the team KAUST approach to the MBZIRC ground robotics challenge.Journal of Field Robotics, (2019), 131.
- M. A. Mabrok Negative ImaginaryH2Controller Synthesis Using Nonlinear Opti-mization. International Journal of Control, pages 1-9,(2019)[5]M. A. MabrokPattern detection for time series trajectories in human in the loopapplications. Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, vol. 37, no. 1, pp. 115-123, 2019
- M. A. Mabrok and Ian Pertersen. “Negative Imaginary H2 Controller Synthesis Using Nonlinear Optimization” In IEEE 57rd Annual Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Miami Beach, FL, USA on Dec. 17-19, 2018.
- Ahmed Gallab M. A. Mabrok and Ian Pertersen. “Extending Negative Imaginary Systems Theory to Nonlinear Systems” In IEEE 57rd Annual Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Miami Beach, FL, USA on Dec. 17-19, 2018.
- Ahmed Ibrahim, M. A. Mabrok, and Ian R Petersen “Lyapunov-based Stability of Feedback Interconnections of Negative Imaginary Systems” 20th IFAC World Congress.
- Kuntz, Katanya B, Wheatley, Trevor A, Song, Hongbin, Webb, JamesG, M. A. Mabrok and Huntington, Elanor H and Yonezawa, Hidehiro. Ultra-wide frequency response measurement of an optical system with a DC photo detector. Optics Express, Vol. 25, Issue 2, pp. 573-586 (2017) .
- M. A. Mabrok and Mike Rayn. Category Theory as a Formal MathematicalFoundation for Model-Based Systems Engineering. Applied Mathematics and In-formation Sciences. I 11, No. 1, 1-9 (2017).
- M. A. Mabrok and Ian R. Petersen. Controller synthesis for negative imaginary systems: A data driven approach. IET Control Theory Appl., Vol. 10, Iss. 12, pp. 1480–1486 (2016)
- M. A. Mabrok and Jeff Shamma. Passivity Analysis of Higher Order Evolutionary Dynamics and Population Games. In IEEE 55rd Annual Conference on Decision and Control (CDC , Las Vegas, USA on December 12-14, 2016.
- Sajal K. Das, M. A. Mabrok and Ian R. Petersen. A Test to Determine Mixedness of “Mixed” Passive, Negative-Imaginary and Small-Gain Systems with Poles on the Imaginary Axis and Stability Analysis. Accepted in IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control.
- D. Dong, M.A. Mabrok, I.R. Petersen, B. Qi, C. Chen, and H. Rabitz. “Sampling- based learning control for quantum systems with uncertainties“. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, VOL. 23, NO. 6, NOVEMBER 2015.
- M.A. Mabrok, M. Efatmaneshnik, and M.J. Ryan. Integrating nonfunctional requirements into axiomatic design methodology. IEEE Systems Journal, 2015. Early Access.
- M.A. Mabrok, S. Elsayed, and M.J. Ryan. Mathematical framework for recursive model-based system design. Journal of Nonlinear Dynamics, 2015.
- M. A. Mabrok, MA Haggag, and IR Petersen. System identification algorithm for negative imaginary systems. International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics, 14(3), 2015.
- M. A. Mabrok, Abhijit G. Kallapur, Ian R. Petersen, and Alexander Lanzon. A generalized negative imaginary lemma and riccati-based static state-feedback negative imaginary synthesis. Systems and Control Letters, 77:63 – 68, 2015.
- M. A. Mabrok, Mahmoud Efatmaneshnik, and Michael Ryan. Including non-functional requirements in the axiomatic design process. In Systems Conference (SysCon), 2015 9th Annual IEEE International, pages 54–60. IEEE, 2015.
- M. A. Mabrok and I. Petersen.” Data driven controller synthesis for negative imaginary systems“. In the 10th Asian Control Conference, 2015.
- A.-H. Abdel-Aty, N. Zakaria, and M.A. Mabrok. Dynamics of the entanglement over noisy quantum networks. In Computer and Information Sciences (ICCOINS), 2014 International Conference on, pages 1–6, 2014.
- Katanya B Kuntz, Trevor A Wheatley, James G Webb, Hongbin Song, M.A. Mabrok and Elanor H Huntington. Frequency response measurement of optical cavities using an intensity modulated laser beam and direct power measurement. In Australian Institute of Physics Congress, 2014.
- Petersen I.R.; Lanzon A, M.A. Mabrok.; Kallapur. A three-mirror optical cavity using negative imaginary systems approach. An International Journal of Quantum Information Review, 2014.
- M.A. Mabrok.; I. R.Petersen. Negative imaginary feedback systems. In 4rd Australian Control Conference, 2014.
- M.A. Mabrok, Daoyi Dong, Chunlin Chen, and I.R. Petersen. Robust entanglement control between two atoms in a cavity using sampling-based learning control. In Decision and Control (CDC), 2014 IEEE 53rd Annual Conference on, pages 5802– 5807, 2014.
- M.A. Mabrok, MA Haggag, IR Petersen, and A Lanzon. A subspace system identification algorithm guaranteeing the negative imaginary property. In Decision and Control (CDC), 2014 IEEE 53rd Annual Conference on, pages 3180–3185. IEEE, 2014.
- M.A. Mabrok, A.G. Kallapur, I.R. Petersen, and A. Lanzon. Generalizing negative imaginary systems theory to include free body dynamics: Control of highly resonant structures with free body motion. Automatic Control, IEEE Transactions on, 59(10):2692–2707, Oct 2014.
- M.A. Mabrok, A.G. Kallapur, I.R. Petersen, and A. Lanzon. Spectral conditions for negative imaginary systems with applications to nanopositioning. Mechatronics, IEEE/ASME Transactions on, 19(3):895–903, June 2014.
- A.G. Kallapur, M.A. Mabrok, and I.R. Petersen. An integral resonant controller approach to frequency locking an optical cavity. In Control Applications (CCA), 2013 IEEE International Conference on, pages 407–411, 2013.
- M.A. Mabrok, D. Dong, I.R. Petersen, and C. Chen. Entanglement generation in uncertain quantum systems using sampling-based learning control. In Proceedings of 19th IFAC World Congress, Cape Town, South Africa, August 24-29 2013.
- M.A. Mabrok, A. Lanzon, A.G. Kallapur, and I.R. Petersen. Enforcing negative imaginary dynamics on mathematical system models. International Journal of Control, 86(7):1292–1303, 2013.
- M.A. Mabrok, Abhijit G Kallapur, Ian R Petersen, and Alexander Lanzon. Generalized negative imaginary lemma for descriptor systems. Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation, 2(1):17–21, 2012
- M.A. Mabrok, A. G. Kallapur, I. R. Petersen, and A. Lanzon. Stabilization of conditional uncertain negative-imaginary systems using Riccati equation approach. In 20th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, 2012.
- M.A. Mabrok, A.G. Kallapur, I.R. Petersen, and A. Lanzon. A stability result on the feedback interconnection of negative imaginary systems with poles at the origin. In Control Conference (AUCC), 2012 2nd Australian, pages 98–103, 2012.
- M.A. Mabrok, A.G. Kallapur, I.R. Petersen, and A. Lanzon. Stabilization of uncertain negative-imaginary systems using a Riccati equation approach. In Innovative Engineering Systems (ICIES), 2012 First International Conference on, pages 255– 259, 2012.
- M.A. Mabrok, A.G. Kallapur, I.R. Petersen, D. Schutte, T.K. Boyson, and A. Lanzon. Locking a three-mirror optical cavity: A negative imaginary systems approach. In Control Conference (AUCC), 2012 2nd Australian, pages 476–480, 2012.
- Peter C Kuffner, Kathryn J Conroy, Toby K Boyson, Greg Milford, M.A. Mabrok, Abhijit G Kallapur, Ian R Petersen, Maria E Calzada, Thomas G Spence, Kennith P Kirkbride, et al. Quantum cascade laser-based substance detection: approaching the quantum noise limit. In SPIE Defense, Security, and Sensing, pages 80320C–80320C. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2011.
- M.A. Mabrok, A. G. Kallapur, I. R. Petersen, and A. Lanzon. Enforcing a system model to be negative imaginary via perturbation of hamiltonian matrices. In Proc. 50th IEEE Conf. Decision and Control and European Control Conf. (CDC-ECC), pages 3748–3752, 2011.
- M.A. Mabrok, A. G. Kallapur, I. R. Petersen, and A. Lanzon. A negative imaginary lemma for descriptor systems. In Proc. Australian Control Conf. (AUCC), pages 543–546, 2011.
- M.A. Mabrok, Abhijit G Kallapur, Ian R Petersen, Alexander Lanzon, et al. A new stability result for the feedback interconnection of negative imaginary systems with a pole at the origin. In Decision and Control and European Control Conference (CDC-ECC), 2011 50th IEEE Conference on, pages 3753–3757. IEEE, 2011.
- M.A. Mabrok, Abhijit G. Kallapur, Ian R. Petersen, and Alexander Lanzon. A new stability result for the feedback interconnection of negative imaginary systems with a pole at the origin. In Proceedings of the Conference Decision Control- European Control Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, pages 3753–3757. IEEE, 2011.
- M.A. Mabrok, Abhijit G. Kallapur, Ian R. Petersen, and Alexander Lanzon. Spectral conditions for the negative imaginary property of transfer function matrices. In Proc. 18th IFAC World Congress; Milan, Italy, pages 1302–1306, 2011.
- M.A. Mabrok, Abhijit G Kallapur, Ian R Petersen, Alexander Lanzon, et al. Stability analysis for a class of negative imaginary feedback systems including an integrator. In Proc. 8th Asian Control Conf.(ASCC), pages 1481–1486, 2011.
- Faisal AA El-Orany, A-SF Obada, M.A. Mabrok, and MRB Wahiddin. Evolution of the pair-coherent state with the two-qubit: entanglement and cat-state generation. Journal of Modern Optics, 55(10):1649–1666, 2008.